Matching Gifts

Double Your Gift's Impact

Hundreds of employers across the country fund matching gift programs as a way to encourage charitable giving among their staff. Companies want to empower their employees to make a difference in the world.

Matching gift programs are an employee benefit just like retirement plans or health insurance, except matching gift participation costs you nothing. Why not take advantage of it!

The matching gift process is simple. Make your gift to Notre Dame and then complete your company's
online or paper form; that is all it takes. Most companies will match you or your spouse’s donations – dollar for dollar. Some employers even double or triple match gifts.

Search our database of matching gift companies. Find your employer and click on the matching gift form URL for your next step.

If the search didn't return your employer, check in with your HR department.

If you need help, contact Julie Davis in the Advancement Office at Notre Dame via phone at 203-372-6521, ext. 244 or email at [email protected].

We are always happy to lend a hand.