Entrance Exam Registration - Please click this link to register.
Eighth-grade applicants must take an entrance exam for admission to Notre Dame High School. The test can be taken at Notre Dame or one of the four other Diocesan high schools. If taking the exam at another high school, be sure to ask that test results be sent to the attention of the Notre Dame Admissions Office. All applicants to Notre Dame must also complete a Notre Dame application and pay a $50 application fee.
The entrance exam is divided into five areas:
Measures abstract reasoning skills, based on geometric shapes and figures. This predicts success in school activities requiring abstract reasoning.
Measures reasoning skills based on the understanding of words. This predicts success in school activities requiring verbal skills.
Measures vocabulary and reading comprehension, emphasizing sentences and paragraph comprehension. It also tests the ability to find the main idea and draw conclusions from reading passages and inferential and critical comprehension.
Language Arts
Measures usage, grammar, listening, and composition skills.
Measures skills including computation, concepts, and applications of mathematical reasoning to work problems drawn from everyday experiences. Calculators can not be used on the entrance exam.
No studying or review books are needed to prepare for this test. We wish to know the student's level of achievement at this time. The best preparation is a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast.
Students Requiring Extended Test Time
Students requiring extended testing time for the entrance exam must provide a copy of the student's IEP or 504 accommodation plan listing this accommodation at least two weeks before the testing date. Notre Dame will offer an extended testing session during the November 11 testing date. Please contact our Admissions Office (203.372.6521) for additional information.