Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry
The biggest organization at Notre Dame is Campus Ministry, and it’s popular for a good reason. Campus Ministry is actively woven into the fabric of the ND community, and provides countless opportunities for service throughout the year.

On any given month, students might be mentoring others from a local grade school, preparing food shipments to distressed communities, gathering toys and clothing for families at Christmas time, or preparing for a mission trip to Kentucky. Service hours are a required component of an ND education (see the Student Handbook for requisites), and our students are proud of the efforts they put in to make their communities a little bit brighter.

But Campus Ministry is more than just service hours. Because fellowship is such an important part of ND’s mission, we provide lots of opportunities for students of all grades (and faiths) to come together…. Sometimes just for fun. Hikes and pizza parties and the occasional movie night all give students a chance to interact as a family, getting to know one another in a relaxed way.

For information on Campus Ministry activities, contact Ms. Jessica Medoff, director.

“You must make God known to the world. You must allow this dying world to look at you and see Christ. It will do so only if you accept the challenge.”