Principal's Welcome

Dr. Cipriano

Welcome to the Notre Dame website! As you explore these pages, I think you’ll agree that Notre Dame is a special place. More than a school, it’s a place where students, faculty and staff come together as a community. It’s a place that students enter in 9th grade and leave four years later having grown academically, spiritually, and socially. And it’s a place where those students forge connections and learn to think in ways that will shape their lives for years to come.

Notre Dame prides itself on a strong academic program that challenges students and encourages them to develop critical thinking skills. Our students leave here prepared for college and the world beyond. Fueled by an intellectual curiosity and a strong sense of ethics, they’re ready to learn, ready to serve, and ready to lead.

There’s an energy to Notre Dame, and you can feel it when you walk the halls or visit a classroom. But don’t take my word for it—come visit, and experience the magic of this place for yourself.

Dr. Christopher Cipriano